Uttalande från International Union of Tenants - IUT
Organisationen höll en världskonferens i Lissabon den 19-21 april.
På världskonferensen omvaldes Hyresgästföreningens Marie Linder som ordförande fram till 2026.
Gemensamt uttalande från världskonferensen 22:nd world conferense statement:
Over time the problems remain the same. Surprisingly similar on a global scale.
- Rapidly growing inequalities.
- Financialisation.
- Gentrifiction.
- Rising cost of living.
- Insecure legal environment.
- Housing is still not a fundamental human right.
- Economic challenges are no longer only related to the weakest, but also middle income house holds.
- This development was further speeded up by th Ukraine war.
- The importance of good building standard was exposed by the earth quake in Turkey and Syria.
IUT Claims och Decision Makers Globally
- Moratoria on evictions.
- Public funding for the energy-efficency renovations (to avoid energy poverty).
- Policies on rent stabilisations.
- Policies to avoid renovictions.
- Institutional tenants participation democracy (level playing field).
IUT Calls on Decision Makers Globally
- Ensure ”housing cost neutrality” (public, private and social housing).
- The concept of energy poverty should be better defined.
- Tenants unions should have a say in legislative processes (to ensure tenants democracy).
- An active organisation.
- A credible organisation.
- A thrustworthy partner.
Because tenants stand united!
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